Rabu, 30 November 2011

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I miss...
days we were in the same class,
when the thing separated us just three tiles
days we were in the same school,
when we came too early just for having breakfast together
days we were in the same city,
when we could have tandem or hang out in Linds and Buket
days we were wet because of rain,
our hang out that never ordinary,
and days we could meet easily

"Sometimes, Long distance makes two hearts closer"-Aichiro Suryo 25.10

LIburan UAN

Jumat, 18 November 2011

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Well, yah...posting ini amat sangat telat,
file ilang, bikin lagi gak ke save, dan ketumpukan acara baru lain,
tapi ini sayang banget kalo gak diposting, he....

Liburan UAN tu liburan terlama yang pernah aku dapet. Minimal adalah 3 bulan. Pertama kalinya ngrasain libur yang sampe bener2 bingung dan galau. Antara belom dapet kuliah dan pengen refreshing.

Sebenernya liburan ini lebih banyak aku isi sama jalan-jalan, yey :D
dan itu ke beberapa tempat. Pertama ke Jatim, terus ke Solo, terus ke Baturaden-Cilacap, terus ke Pare-Kediri. Yay...

Jadi postingannya juga mending aku pisah aja kali ya, soalnya panjang masing-masing,


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The one thing I know about us is that
I can't hold my end of lip not to lift,
every time i read and re-read your message in my mobile
I miss us