Meski aku jarang menceritakannya, ayahku adalah laki-laki yang aku idolakan sejak kecil dulu. Entah faktor aku anak tunggal, atau ayahku memang sedemikian penyayang, yang jelas aku merasa sangat bersyukur mendapat limpahan kasih sayang itu.
Waktu aku kecil, ayahku bekerja di luar pulau, Kalimantan tepatnya. Beliau pulang paling 2-3 bulan sekali ke Semarang. Setiap pulang, ayahku selalu membawa coklat banyak sekali. Untukku, tentu saja.
Dulu, setiap pagi, aku selalu jalan-jalan dengan ayahku. Ke sungai, ke pasar, ke lapangan, ke tetangga, kemana saja. Pasti, sebelum kembali ke rumah kami mampir ke kios koran dan membeli Jawa Pos. Kebetulan, kios koran itu terletak di depan toko kelontong "Pena". Dan setiap pagi pula, aku bertanya, "Pa, ini isinya apa?" sambil menunjuk box Walls, seolah tidak tahu. Lalu ayahku akan menggendongku, memintaku memilih, dan membelikan es krim untukku. Kalau jalan-jalannya ke pasar, langganan kami adalah pukis dan gandos.
Saat aku masih kecil, ibuku masih menyelesaikan S1 nya. Praktis, sering ayah yang menemaniku tidur. Sebelum tidur, beliau selalu menceritakan berbagai cerita. Cerita nabi, abu nawas, atau karangan ayahku sendiri, sampai aku tidur. Setiap hari, selama ayahku di Semarang.
Begitu pindah kerja ke Semarang, jam kerja ayah dibagi menjadi pagi dan siang. Pagi: 4-16, siang: 12-00. Tapi seingatku, selalu ada waktu untukku. Mengajariku atau menemaniku.
Aku masih ingat, dulu ayah sering membuatkanku benda-benda unik dari logam. Gantungan kunci dengan lubang berbentuk LITA, ada juga bintang-bintang. Bintang ini akan aku dapatkan setiap aku dapat nilai 100. 10 bintang bisa ditukar dengan 1 permintaan.
Waktu cari SMP, saat-saat ribet dengan segala urusan berkas, ayah menguruskan segalanya untukku. Mencari informasi, mendorongku, mengantarkanku, menunggu, dan lainnya sampai akhirnya semua urusanku beres. Sampai saat ini pun, jika mendadak aku memerlukan sesuatu, dokumen atau apapun itu, ayah selalu punya waktu dan mau repot untuk mengurusnya.
Di SMA, saat-saat aku ada les, pulang terlambat, terlalu malam, atau bahkan pagi seperti saat pensaga, ayah selalu mau menjemputku. Setiap saat les musik, ayah menungguku 2 jam. Meski sudah kubilang aku bisa pulang sendiri, ayah bilang tidak akan membiarkan putrinya ini kecapaian. Dan memang ayah selalu menunggu. Ayahku bahkan tak membiarkanku menunggu. Beliau selalu datang sebelum aku selesai. Walaupun malam, walaupun beliau harus memakai jaket berlapis, ayah selalu menawarkan menjemputku.
Kalau aku begadang mengerjakan tugas, ayah juga menemaniku terjaga. Padahal dari menguapnya yang berkali-kali, aku tahu beliau hanya alasan saat mengatakan mau menonton televisi. Pernah suatu kali aku sangat putus asa, tugas menggambar karikaturku yang hampir jadi sobek karena kerasnya aku menghapus. Ayah langsung menawarkan, "Udah, Lita tidur aja sekarang. Besok kan harus sekolah. Ini biar Papa yang gambar."
Padahal beliau juga kerja seharian dan belum tidur.
Suatu waktu aku ingin bersepeda ke Simpang Lima. Sepeda kami hanya satu dan ayah tak membiarkanku pergi sendiri. Akhirnya, pagi-pagi buta, aku naik sepeda, ayah mengiringiku dengan sepeda motor pelan-pelan. Saat pulang pun, ayah mengiringiku menaiki tanjakan maut gajah mungkur dan gombel.
Ayah adalah guru bagiku. Yang mengajariku berenang, mengajariku sepeda, mengajariku motor, mengajariku mobil, dan hal lainnya. Ayah yang menghibur dan menyemangatiku kalau aku down, menenangkan kalau aku galau sendiri. Bagaimanapun, beliau juga yang mengajariku untuk mandiri. Melepaskanku pulang sendiri sejak SD, membolehkanku ke luar kota sendiri sejak SMP, dan membebaskanku ikut organisasi maupun ekstrakurikuler selama itu positif.
Aku tahu, pengalaman ayah pasti jauh lebih banyak dariku dan ayahku ingin anaknya tidak salah dalam melangkah dan selalu mendapat yang terbaik.
Aku sayang Ayah, sangat :*
"ya udahlah ya"
sering gak, denger temen atau orang ngomong "ya udahlah ya"
pendapat pribadi sih, cukup sering.
mungkin kalimat ini terdengar biasa aja. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, "ya udahlah ya" ini bisa berarti kesabaran-ikhlas atau........kepasrahan menerima begitu saja dan mengabaikan alternatif perubahan.
kasus 1:
si A baru aja kena musibah, kamar kosnya kemasukan pencuri. Laptop, hp, sama dompetnya hilang.
Usaha pertama, tanya ke orang kos (failed: penjaga kos tak tahu menahu)
Usaha kedua, ngecekin kamar kos lain (failed:gak ketemu)
A: "udah gini gak ketemu juga, ya udahlah ya, mungkin bukan rezeki"
ini namanya ya udahlah ya keikhlasan
kasus 2:
B: "Eh, bapaknya kayaknya salah nulis rumus ya? ini dibuku harusnya plus kan?"
C: "Emang iya?"
B: "Duh, mau ngasi tahu tapi bapaknya ngajarnya gak bisa dipotong"
C: "Ya udahlah ya, yang penting kita tahu."
ini namanya ya udahlah ya terima aja
mungkin ini cuma contoh simpel, tapi coba aja bayangin,
dari sekadar kebiasaan ngomong "ya udahlah ya" dengan mudahnya; berlanjut ke kebiasaan menggampangkan masalah; lama-kelamaan jadi tidak peduli sama masalah; dan yang paling parah, bahkan tidak sadar bahwa itu masalah.
kaya kasus 2, si B ujung-ujungnya gak nanya, padahal belum tentu si dosen yang salah dan buku yang benar. Akhirnya, si B berpatok mutlak pada buku. Sampai akhirnya ujian, jawabannya salah. Protes, baru tahu kalo dosen yang bener. Nyesek kan.
nah loh, kita ujung-ujungnya jadi generasi terima aja.
dibawa kesana kemari sama pemimpin ngah-ngoh aja. Dibilang ini yang baik, nurut; dibilang ini gak boleh, nurut. Dieksploitasi gak sadar.
Karena kita udah gak lagi mempertanyakan mengapa dan kebiasaan mengakhiri usaha dengan "ya udahlah ya"
hm.....daripada kejadian,
ati-ati ngomong "ya udahlah ya" kalo belum usaha :D
pendapat pribadi sih, cukup sering.
mungkin kalimat ini terdengar biasa aja. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, "ya udahlah ya" ini bisa berarti kesabaran-ikhlas atau........kepasrahan menerima begitu saja dan mengabaikan alternatif perubahan.
kasus 1:
si A baru aja kena musibah, kamar kosnya kemasukan pencuri. Laptop, hp, sama dompetnya hilang.
Usaha pertama, tanya ke orang kos (failed: penjaga kos tak tahu menahu)
Usaha kedua, ngecekin kamar kos lain (failed:gak ketemu)
A: "udah gini gak ketemu juga, ya udahlah ya, mungkin bukan rezeki"
ini namanya ya udahlah ya keikhlasan
kasus 2:
B: "Eh, bapaknya kayaknya salah nulis rumus ya? ini dibuku harusnya plus kan?"
C: "Emang iya?"
B: "Duh, mau ngasi tahu tapi bapaknya ngajarnya gak bisa dipotong"
C: "Ya udahlah ya, yang penting kita tahu."
ini namanya ya udahlah ya terima aja
mungkin ini cuma contoh simpel, tapi coba aja bayangin,
dari sekadar kebiasaan ngomong "ya udahlah ya" dengan mudahnya; berlanjut ke kebiasaan menggampangkan masalah; lama-kelamaan jadi tidak peduli sama masalah; dan yang paling parah, bahkan tidak sadar bahwa itu masalah.
kaya kasus 2, si B ujung-ujungnya gak nanya, padahal belum tentu si dosen yang salah dan buku yang benar. Akhirnya, si B berpatok mutlak pada buku. Sampai akhirnya ujian, jawabannya salah. Protes, baru tahu kalo dosen yang bener. Nyesek kan.
nah loh, kita ujung-ujungnya jadi generasi terima aja.
dibawa kesana kemari sama pemimpin ngah-ngoh aja. Dibilang ini yang baik, nurut; dibilang ini gak boleh, nurut. Dieksploitasi gak sadar.
Karena kita udah gak lagi mempertanyakan mengapa dan kebiasaan mengakhiri usaha dengan "ya udahlah ya"
hm.....daripada kejadian,
ati-ati ngomong "ya udahlah ya" kalo belum usaha :D
dear ........
maybe you're not the one
who write me poems
not the one
that message me and ask if i had dinner
not the one besides me wherever and whenever
but you are the one in my heart
tulisan abstrak
who write me poems
not the one
that message me and ask if i had dinner
not the one besides me wherever and whenever
but you are the one in my heart
tulisan abstrak
saying I love indonesia
using domestic product
wearing BATIK once a week
working on state institutions
using indonesia "prestige" as an excuse for their actions
nationalism, hm?
frankly, i am sad about this country
using domestic product
wearing BATIK once a week
working on state institutions
using indonesia "prestige" as an excuse for their actions
nationalism, hm?
frankly, i am sad about this country
is it holiday?
well, during this holiday:
i planned to bike, but the tires were deflated
so i do nothing after wake up
i wanna read something, but there is no newspaper
i turn on the TV, watching news and infotainment
it begins to bore,
then i watch music program
nearly afternoon: i am hungry and wanna cook something, but my kitchen was renovated
so i just can change the channel to cooking class and watch it
i wanna watch a film, but my rental member card was lost and i don't remember the number
well, FTV time!
really bored and wanna hang out,
but everybody have their own business,
yah, just change the channel again to vacation
after my parents home and they were too tired.....
let's watch Anak Kaki Gunung,
then Hitam Putih
continued by On the Spot
and ended by Opera Van Java
pretty "fun" day with television.
hm, not bad.
i planned to bike, but the tires were deflated
so i do nothing after wake up
i wanna read something, but there is no newspaper
i turn on the TV, watching news and infotainment
it begins to bore,
then i watch music program
nearly afternoon: i am hungry and wanna cook something, but my kitchen was renovated
so i just can change the channel to cooking class and watch it
i wanna watch a film, but my rental member card was lost and i don't remember the number
well, FTV time!
really bored and wanna hang out,
but everybody have their own business,
yah, just change the channel again to vacation
after my parents home and they were too tired.....
let's watch Anak Kaki Gunung,
then Hitam Putih
continued by On the Spot
and ended by Opera Van Java
pretty "fun" day with television.
hm, not bad.
Finally, the battle is over
I wanna share about online registration in UI.
It more popular called as Regol (REGistrasi OnLine)
well, regol can be said as one of speciality in UI, purposed to ease students register for the term, anywhere and anytime during the filling period.
....sounds easy?....
hm, check it first
the only way to register in UI is by regol in
That website contains every data about your lectures: schedule, announcement, score, attendance, until IP, from first to the last semester.
In first semester, since i have very kind mentor, kak Vivi that regist seconders, i don't have any problem with SIAKNG.
Then, now, to register for 2nd semester, i have to do it myself, alone
Actually, i have ever heard about how horrible battle in SIAK,
first i think it just a little bit of lebay. but, after I tried it my self,
in reality, SIAK battle is very aaaaarrrrrrrrrrr
thanks god it just happen once a term
Filling date for 2nd semester begin at Jan 31 9 a.m. Special for FE, it postponed to Feb 1 5 p.m
But, what the hell, at 1 p.m, I received message from Deo,
"Liiiit, SIAK udah bisa dibuka"
quickly i access IRS, and filling it.
but yah, as i said about it's battle, I am lose
From 8 class for 8 subjects, i only get 1 fix class. the rest?
just in Waiting List T.T
Because it open suddenly and there're many cases like me, Birpend (Biro Pendidikan) FE decide that this regol isn't valid and it will be resetted. Although there're some controversions-especially from persons who had got classes, finally SIAKNG is be resetted and regol for FE postponed again to Feb 2nd 5 p.m -________-
oh my god, plis, i even didn't go anywhere from my laptop just for this regol
and i am not the only one that feel like this
@deocaprio: kampreeeeetttkenapa Regol jadinya besooooook!!! gue udah bela-belain ga kemana-mana
@irfanyphalita: gak diulang gpp, tapi plis bisa diganti dong, udah waiting list semua, g bisa diganti pula T.T
@mayangathira: @birpendfeui Pak, apa perlu saya panggil Rhoma Irama dan Soneta.
@irryuupi: ya tuhaaaaan diundur lagiiiii TUHAAAAAAAAAN
i turn on my laptop since 8 a.m
4 p.m senam jari
4.30 deg..deg..deg..
4.45 degdegdegdegdeg
demi apa, buat regol segini nervusnya. Seganteng apa sih SIAK?
@dewies entah gue yang lebay, sumpah nungguin SIAK sebegini nervousnya
4.50 refresh refresh
4.56 oh my god! it has been opened., matela.....A, PA2......A, PE2.....A, Statu.....H, Musik3, Mpk ing......E, Manajemen....C
Yak save, pray...
Ya Allah, give me a class now, plisssss,
after loading, aaaa lalalalala, yayayayayay all is done :D
now regol Puput,
well it's a pretty hard, because SIAK is full connection and can't be accessed :(,
so puput still have 4 waiting class, and it can't be changed
Sorry put....:I
Hm, now how about Deo? suddenly he text,
"Liiiiiit, kelasku drop sendiri, jadwalnya berubah semua, matela jadi B, PA2 jadi B........"
"Aku udah yo, gak ada masalah semua"
"Coba aku ganti kali ya?"
"Iya coba aja."
(after a while)
"Liiiiiit, jadwalku kereset semua, ilang, harus ulang dari awal, mana semua kelas penuh"
......pray for Deo....... --
yah, that's SIAK battle. Haaah, tiring, nervous, and sucks.
@windyocta: gila banget ya nih perang regol
@dewies: gak kuat deh tiap semester kaya gini
@deocaprio: kuliah itu keras
@destput: sampai kapan aku harus menunggumu siaaaaak
@kharismaknr: agak stres nih, belum dapet kelas yang fix :'
@joanrosabella: WL nih ah gila kesel. Gw gatau deh terserah birpend nasib gimana
for me, after everything done,
smileeeeeeee :)
It more popular called as Regol (REGistrasi OnLine)
well, regol can be said as one of speciality in UI, purposed to ease students register for the term, anywhere and anytime during the filling period.
....sounds easy?....
hm, check it first
the only way to register in UI is by regol in
That website contains every data about your lectures: schedule, announcement, score, attendance, until IP, from first to the last semester.
In first semester, since i have very kind mentor, kak Vivi that regist seconders, i don't have any problem with SIAKNG.
Then, now, to register for 2nd semester, i have to do it myself, alone
Actually, i have ever heard about how horrible battle in SIAK,
first i think it just a little bit of lebay. but, after I tried it my self,
in reality, SIAK battle is very aaaaarrrrrrrrrrr
thanks god it just happen once a term
Filling date for 2nd semester begin at Jan 31 9 a.m. Special for FE, it postponed to Feb 1 5 p.m
But, what the hell, at 1 p.m, I received message from Deo,
"Liiiit, SIAK udah bisa dibuka"
quickly i access IRS, and filling it.
but yah, as i said about it's battle, I am lose
From 8 class for 8 subjects, i only get 1 fix class. the rest?
just in Waiting List T.T
Because it open suddenly and there're many cases like me, Birpend (Biro Pendidikan) FE decide that this regol isn't valid and it will be resetted. Although there're some controversions-especially from persons who had got classes, finally SIAKNG is be resetted and regol for FE postponed again to Feb 2nd 5 p.m -________-
oh my god, plis, i even didn't go anywhere from my laptop just for this regol
and i am not the only one that feel like this
@deocaprio: kampreeeeetttkenapa Regol jadinya besooooook!!! gue udah bela-belain ga kemana-mana
@irfanyphalita: gak diulang gpp, tapi plis bisa diganti dong, udah waiting list semua, g bisa diganti pula T.T
@mayangathira: @birpendfeui Pak, apa perlu saya panggil Rhoma Irama dan Soneta.
4 p.m senam jari
4.30 deg..deg..deg..
4.45 degdegdegdegdeg
demi apa, buat regol segini nervusnya. Seganteng apa sih SIAK?
@dewies entah gue yang lebay, sumpah nungguin SIAK sebegini nervousnya
4.50 refresh refresh
4.56 oh my god! it has been opened., matela.....A, PA2......A, PE2.....A, Statu.....H, Musik3, Mpk ing......E, Manajemen....C
Yak save, pray...
Ya Allah, give me a class now, plisssss,
after loading, aaaa lalalalala, yayayayayay all is done :D
now regol Puput,
well it's a pretty hard, because SIAK is full connection and can't be accessed :(,
so puput still have 4 waiting class, and it can't be changed
Sorry put....:I
Hm, now how about Deo? suddenly he text,
"Liiiiiit, kelasku drop sendiri, jadwalnya berubah semua, matela jadi B, PA2 jadi B........"
"Aku udah yo, gak ada masalah semua"
"Coba aku ganti kali ya?"
"Iya coba aja."
(after a while)
"Liiiiiit, jadwalku kereset semua, ilang, harus ulang dari awal, mana semua kelas penuh"
......pray for Deo....... --
yah, that's SIAK battle. Haaah, tiring, nervous, and sucks.
@windyocta: gila banget ya nih perang regol
@dewies: gak kuat deh tiap semester kaya gini
@deocaprio: kuliah itu keras
@destput: sampai kapan aku harus menunggumu siaaaaak
@kharismaknr: agak stres nih, belum dapet kelas yang fix :'
@joanrosabella: WL nih ah gila kesel. Gw gatau deh terserah birpend nasib gimana
for me, after everything done,
smileeeeeeee :)
Well Done :)
For a new college students, one the most important holiday tasks is promoting their college. Moreover for overseas students which its number of mass is minority#curcol
so, we are, perkumpuLAn mahasiWA SemaraNG SEluruh Wilayah UI (Lawang Sewu) thinks that it's very urgent to promote UI in Semarang.
It just a little bit embrassing, a number of students in UI from Semarang-capital city of Central Java, much less than from Purworejo, Pati, Brebes, Tegal, Wonosobo. Nah loh.
Well, after some internal discussion about "why they don't interest to apply in UI?",
we get that it might be because....
1. lack of information about UI
2. perception of lifestyle in Jakarta
3. parents-out of town and pretty far
4. mental
Yah, personally, I'm sure that our quality do not lose from other region's. Then, why????
From some of 3rd grade high school students comments on our roadshow, I think it just about mental. Here it is their's comments:
"UI tu cuma mimpi"
"Saya sadar kemampuan kok"
"pengen sih pengen mbak, tapi masuknya itu...." still January, they haven't prepared, they haven't applied, they haven't tried, but they had thought that they can't. hm...
Some of people think that I don't need high effort to be accepted in UI,
yah, I realize that i didn't pass SNMPTN Tulis or SIMAK UI
I've ever felt when failed in Undangan, cried, then studied and stayed up every day like a crazy
until that phone comes.
I wanna share my best friend story, Putri Fuu
she really want HI-UI
she tried Undangan, but she hadn't lucky yet
she tried Tulis, and got TEKKIM UNDIP
...but she still want UI,
she tried SIMAK,......
now Fuu is in TEKKIM UNDIP
Out of that, i think Fuu is a great person
She is brave to try at least
She is ready to fight
and She didn't give up until the last chance
If you really want UI, chase and get it!. Out of ur comfort zone: there is UNDIP, there is UGM.
Make it your first and main option.
at least, try first. If finally you fail, it'll be more honorable.
I know, the competition to be accepted in UI is very tight.
Just remember, it's not only select you based your quality, but also how big you want UI.
Give your best effort for UI and get the best university in Indonesia :)

so, we are, perkumpuLAn mahasiWA SemaraNG SEluruh Wilayah UI (Lawang Sewu) thinks that it's very urgent to promote UI in Semarang.
It just a little bit embrassing, a number of students in UI from Semarang-capital city of Central Java, much less than from Purworejo, Pati, Brebes, Tegal, Wonosobo. Nah loh.
Well, after some internal discussion about "why they don't interest to apply in UI?",
we get that it might be because....
1. lack of information about UI
2. perception of lifestyle in Jakarta
3. parents-out of town and pretty far
4. mental
Yah, personally, I'm sure that our quality do not lose from other region's. Then, why????
From some of 3rd grade high school students comments on our roadshow, I think it just about mental. Here it is their's comments:
"UI tu cuma mimpi"
"Saya sadar kemampuan kok"
"pengen sih pengen mbak, tapi masuknya itu...." still January, they haven't prepared, they haven't applied, they haven't tried, but they had thought that they can't. hm...
Some of people think that I don't need high effort to be accepted in UI,
yah, I realize that i didn't pass SNMPTN Tulis or SIMAK UI
I've ever felt when failed in Undangan, cried, then studied and stayed up every day like a crazy
until that phone comes.
in my opinion is just UI
the one university that I want
and no matter how it can be,
I have to be accepted there
the one university that I want
and no matter how it can be,
I have to be accepted there
I wanna share my best friend story, Putri Fuu
she really want HI-UI
she tried Undangan, but she hadn't lucky yet
she tried Tulis, and got TEKKIM UNDIP
...but she still want UI,
she tried SIMAK,......
now Fuu is in TEKKIM UNDIP
Out of that, i think Fuu is a great person
She is brave to try at least
She is ready to fight
and She didn't give up until the last chance
If you really want UI, chase and get it!. Out of ur comfort zone: there is UNDIP, there is UGM.
Make it your first and main option.
at least, try first. If finally you fail, it'll be more honorable.
I know, the competition to be accepted in UI is very tight.
Just remember, it's not only select you based your quality, but also how big you want UI.
Give your best effort for UI and get the best university in Indonesia :)
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.-Tom Lehrer

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