Finally, the battle is over

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

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I wanna share about online registration in UI.
It more popular called as Regol (REGistrasi OnLine)

well, regol can be said as one of speciality in UI, purposed to ease students register for the term, anywhere and anytime during the filling period.

....sounds easy?....
hm, check it first

the only way to register in UI is by regol in
That website contains every data about your lectures: schedule, announcement, score, attendance, until IP, from first to the last semester.

In first semester, since i have very kind mentor, kak Vivi that regist seconders, i don't have any problem with SIAKNG.
Then, now, to register for 2nd semester, i have to do it myself, alone

Actually, i have ever heard about how horrible battle in SIAK,
first i think it just a little bit of lebay. but, after I tried it my self,
in reality, SIAK battle is very aaaaarrrrrrrrrrr
thanks god it just happen once a term

Filling date for 2nd semester begin at Jan 31 9 a.m. Special for FE, it postponed to Feb 1 5 p.m
But, what the hell, at 1 p.m, I received message from Deo,

"Liiiit, SIAK udah bisa dibuka"

quickly i access IRS, and filling it.
but yah, as i said about it's battle, I am lose
From 8 class for 8 subjects, i only get 1 fix class. the rest?
just in Waiting List T.T

Because it open suddenly and there're many cases like me, Birpend (Biro Pendidikan) FE decide that this regol isn't valid and it will be resetted. Although there're some controversions-especially from persons who had got classes, finally SIAKNG is be resetted and regol for FE postponed again to Feb 2nd 5 p.m -________-
oh my god, plis, i even didn't go anywhere from my laptop just for this regol

and i am not the only one that feel like this

@deocaprio: kampreeeeetttkenapa Regol jadinya besooooook!!! gue udah bela-belain ga kemana-mana

@irfanyphalita: gak diulang gpp, tapi plis bisa diganti dong, udah waiting list semua, g bisa diganti pula T.T

@mayangathira: @birpendfeui Pak, apa perlu saya panggil Rhoma Irama dan Soneta.

@irryuupi: ya tuhaaaaan diundur lagiiiii TUHAAAAAAAAAN

@kikeeey: Bang, lo tau ga rasanya waktu Birpend ngasih tau regol SIAK NG bakal di-reset itu kayak apaaaaaa?

and, many more....

and today, the battle begin again.
i turn on my laptop since 8 a.m

4 p.m senam jari
4.30 deg..deg..deg..
4.45 degdegdegdegdeg

demi apa, buat regol segini nervusnya. Seganteng apa sih SIAK?

@dewies entah gue yang lebay, sumpah nungguin SIAK sebegini nervousnya

4.50 refresh refresh
4.56 oh my god! it has been opened., matela.....A, PA2......A, PE2.....A, Statu.....H, Musik3, Mpk ing......E, Manajemen....C
Yak save, pray...
Ya Allah, give me a class now, plisssss,
after loading, aaaa lalalalala, yayayayayay all is done :D

now regol Puput,
well it's a pretty hard, because SIAK is full connection and can't be accessed :(,
so puput still have 4 waiting class, and it can't be changed
Sorry put....:I

Hm, now how about Deo? suddenly he text,

"Liiiiiit, kelasku drop sendiri, jadwalnya berubah semua, matela jadi B, PA2 jadi B........"
"Aku udah yo, gak ada masalah semua"
"Coba aku ganti kali ya?"
"Iya coba aja."
(after a while)
"Liiiiiit, jadwalku kereset semua, ilang, harus ulang dari awal, mana semua kelas penuh"
......pray for Deo....... --

yah, that's SIAK battle. Haaah, tiring, nervous, and sucks.

@windyocta: gila banget ya nih perang regol

@dewies: gak kuat deh tiap semester kaya gini

@deocaprio: kuliah itu keras

@destput: sampai kapan aku harus menunggumu siaaaaak

@kharismaknr: agak stres nih, belum dapet kelas yang fix :'

@joanrosabella: WL nih ah gila kesel. Gw gatau deh terserah birpend nasib gimana

for me, after everything done,
smileeeeeeee :)

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